Chrome snapshot full page
Chrome snapshot full page

chrome snapshot full page

Step 11: This will capture the screenshot only that is displayed on the chrome screen. Step 10: Now at the right end you should click show more options ( 3 vertical dots) and then select Capture screenshot option which takes the screenshot of the webpage as shown below.

chrome snapshot full page

Step 9: Once it displays the webpage as responsive, broaden or shorten the webpage layout by moving the slide to right or left as shown in the below image. Step 8: Now click on the Dimensions dropdown menu and select Responsive option from the list as shown below. Step 7: As soon as you click Dock to bottom icon, you can see that the inspect window moves to the bottom of the chrome screen. Step 6: Next, click Dock to bottom icon from the Dock side option as shown below. Step 5: In the Inspect window which is on the right side of the screen, please click on the kebab icon (three vertical dots).


NOTE: There is also a keyboard shortcut to open the inspect and you need to press CTRL + SHIFT + I keys together when you are on the webpage. 1K Share 62K views 1 year ago googlechrome chrome chromedevtools Learn how to take a screenshot in Google Chrome of an entire page. Step 4: While browsing if you want to take a screenshot of your webpage on chrome, then just right click on the webpage and select Inspect from the context menu as shown below. Select full size screenshot and it works. Step 3: Once the chrome opens, you can start browsing any webpage that you want. You can do this without entering device mode by opening the dev console, hitting ctrl+shift+p (windows) to open the command prompt and typing 'Screenshot'. Note: This feature is ideal on websites with text. In the command line, type Screenshot, then click Capture full-size screenshot from the list of commands available. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows and Command+Shift+P on Mac. Step 2: Then, you should select Google Chrome app from the results by clicking on it as shown below. In the top right corner of the pane, click the three dots icon, then click Run Command.

Chrome snapshot full page